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Commentary | 29 November 2021

LIIA: NATO’s outlook towards 2030 and beyond


The ELN is proud to promote a high-level public conference by, The Latvian Institute of International Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia and the NATO Public Diplomacy Division on ‘NATO’s outlook towards 2030 and beyond”. The event will take place on November 30th and will be live-streamed below.

The conference will address the process launched at the NATO Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Riga to develop the new Strategic Concept for the Alliance. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs will open the conference, and the NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg will address the audience with a keynote speech. Please find the full programme attached, including interventions from ELN members Jüri Luik, Benoît d’Aboville, Imants Leigis, and Linas Linkevičius.

Full event recording:

Separate discussions:

Welcoming address, Opening speech, and Key-note speech by Jens STOLTENBERG, Secretary-General, NATO:

The new Strategic Concept. How will the transforming security environment affect NATO’s core tasks?

Addressing emerging threats and challenges. How to enhance NATO’s 360-degree approach? 

NATO and partners. Is there a need for a revised NATO’s partnership policy?

Presidents’ panel: NATO – Quo vadis?

Closing remarks