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To advance its vision of cooperative and cohesive Europe, the ELN draws on the skills and energy of its staff – the best and brightest researchers and administrators drawn from a variety of European countries, and on the vast experience and sage advice of the ELN Members forming its Executive and Advisory Boards

The ELN’s energetic and diverse Staff works to advance the ELN vision through a broad range of activities. They support the activities and growth of the Network, conduct research and prepare ELN policy recommendations, organise public events and Track 2.0 dialogues, maintain contacts with our NGO partners, governments and international organisation, and advance the ELN’s agenda in the media. The ELN’s non-resident Associate Fellows contribute their unique experience and expertise to support the ELN’s activities in Europe and beyond.

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The members of the ELN Executive Board apply their experience in policy-making, diplomacy and business to shape the strategic direction of the organisation and take major decisions on its operations and growth. They offer invaluable support in the ELN’s fundraising activities, in advancing corporate and philanthropic sponsorship, and in raising the profile of the ELN’s work with its members and its key constituencies across the Euro-Atlantic area in government, the media, the private sector and civil society.

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The members of the ELN Advisory Board hail from every major country and region in the Euro-Atlantic area. They bring with them not only distinct understanding of developments at the global and European level, but also deep knowledge about regional and national idiosyncrasies which are vital to understand and influence attitudes on specific foreign and security challenges. Beyond advising on the directions of ELN activities and research, they offer unique access to the decision-makers and other groups which the ELN aims to reach, and are active as respected ELN voices in their national debates.

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