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Closing the gap: Establishing a new UN mechanism for discerning the source of pandemics of unknown origins

The current conflict in Ukraine has caused growing concerns about the potential use of unconventional weapons. Dr Angela Kane, Dr Jaime M. Yassif, and Christopher Colletta from NTI highlight the urgency of establishing a “Joint Assessment Mechanism” within the UN system to investigate cases where there is ambiguity about the source of a biological event.


Ukraine: Europe should walk its talk on women, peace and security

Within days of Russia invading Ukraine, the two sides started negotiations on a possible political settlement. These negotiations have been difficult to assess, as they have had little transparency and erratic messaging. Almut Rochowanski argues that Europe and the US should follow their own foreign policy doctrines and best practices – in particular, the EU should heed its commitment that women must participate and lead in peace processes.

22 April 2022 | Almut Rochowanski

Europe’s security and defence hour is here, and the longevity of the European Union depends on it

Following Russia’s military action, the United States will sooner or later turn back to its “Pivot to Asia” due to China’s challenge to its global primacy, leaving the EU to deal with Russia relatively alone. The EU finds itself at a turning point in its history where it needs to take decisive steps towards building a comprehensive security and defence strategy, writes Iren Marinova.

31 March 2022 | Iren Marinova